Narratives for Justice
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In his 2017 book, Black Rights/White Wrongs, Charles Mills introduced the idea of white ignorance. Mills defined white ignorance as “an ignorance, a non-knowing, that is not contingent, but in which race—white racism and/or white racial domination and their ramification—plays a crucial causal role” .
Weber State University’s Center for Access & Diversity partnered with Racially Just Utah and the ACLU to screen the film “13th” in the Wildcat Theater, part of Race To Mass Incarceration: Film Series On Racial Disparities In The Criminal Justice System.
Most people assume that not only is every humanitarian project a not-for-profit organization, but they assume that every humanitarian project should be not-for-profit.
Kelly Vause, Director of Community Projects at Social Construct, was perhaps the first person ever excited to go to prison.
When discussing the obstacles and roadblocks to launching N4J, first to mind was the misconception of its intent.